摘 要:该研究采用Grid-GPS监测系统,飞行喷雾校准系统,2种环境友好型农药对椰枣灰飞虱(Ommatissus Lybicus De Berge)进行防治,并进行农药残留量的测定。结果显示,在实施该害虫管理系统前,经Grid-GPS监测系统监测的2014年春季代害虫的发生情况为轻度(0~5)卵/小叶,占总发生面积的41.75%,重度(6~10)卵/小叶占总发生面积的28.86%,重度(11~25)卵/小叶,占总发生面积的23.23%,极重度26+卵/小叶,占总发生面积的6.16%。2种环境友好型农药都是有效的,且在进行田间管理的果园内药效更佳。经Grid-GPS监测系统监测的2015年秋季代的害虫为害情况与2014年春季代相比,轻度、中度、重度和极重度所占总为害面积的比率分别变为68.48%、19.52%、10.44%、1.57%。15%醚菊酯超低容量剂和2.4%苦参碱超低容量剂残留量分别在施药3d和4d后降至0。
中图分类号 S435 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-7731(2017)20-0050-03
The Development and Application of an Integrated Program for the Management of the Dubas (Ommatissus lybicus De Berge) Pest in Iraq
Yu Guangwei et al.
(Qingdao Russell IPM Bio-Tech Co.,Ltd.,Qingdao 266100,China)
Abstract:An integrated program has been developed and applied for the management of the dubas bug (Ommatissus lybicus De Berge).The program including a pest monitoring system Grid-GPS,an aerial spraying calibration,and echo-friendly pesticide ssuch as herbal-based Matrixine (Oxymatrine 2.4% ULV),and Trebon (Etofenprox15%ULV).The residue content on the plant was also estimated as part of the program evaluation process.The results of the Grid-GPS map of the 2014 season indicated the existence of four different dubas infestation levels,ranging between light (0~5) egg/leaflet covering with 41.75% areal coverage,medium (6~10) egg/leaflet with 28.86% areal coverage,severe (11~25)egg/leaflet with 23.23% areal coverage,and very severe “bores” (more than 26 egg/leaflet) with 6.16% areal coverage of the total surface area.Both pesticides were effective,albeit to different levels,as the results showed qualitative superiority in the percentage efficiency in tended (farmed) orchards,compared to neglected (untended) orchards.In addition,the Grid-GPS scan results for the autumn generation of 2015 for orchards with light,medium,severe,and very severe infestations,indicated a change in the infestation levels in these categories from 41.75% to 68.48%,from 28.86% to19.52%,from 23.23% to 10.44%,and from 6.16% to 1.57% respectively.The pesticide analysis results for the 2014 season showed that the residue for Oxymatrine 2.4% ULV diminished to 0.0 ppm after 3 days of spraying,and the residue for Etofenprox 15% ULV diminished to 0.0 ppm after 4 days of spraying.
Key words:Agriculture entomology and pest control;Integrated management program;Green prevention and control;Dubas bug;Environment friendly pesticide
椰棗是阿拉伯国家的重要木本粮食作物,在阿拉伯地区的经济发展和人民生活中占有重要地位[1]。椰枣灰飞虱(Ommatissus Lybicus De Berge)是伊拉克及阿拉伯地区为害椰枣树的主要害虫,严重影响椰枣的产量及品质[2-3]。目前,在伊拉克国内针对椰枣灰飞虱的科学有效的防治方法还比较少。经过对过去近10年的虫害管理分析,我们发现之前椰枣灰飞虱的防治存在过分依赖化学农药,相关监测数据不明确,飞行喷雾操作不规范等问题,为此,笔者提出“以科学为依据,兼顾经济发展和环境保护”的新型虫害综合治理项目,项目内容包括:利用Grid-GPS系统监测椰枣灰飞虱的发生情况;利用低毒低残留的化学农药醚菊酯和植物源农药氧化苦参碱对害虫进行综合防治;利用精准的飞行喷雾模式及良好的田间管理方法提高防治效率。 1 材料和方法
1.1 供试药剂 15%醚菊酯超低容量剂,Russell IPM Ltd.。2.4%苦参碱超低容量剂,青岛罗素生物技术有限公司。
1.2 试验用飞机 生产厂家:欧洲直升机公司。
1.3 药效测定方法 在试验区域(果园)进行5点取样,4个方向及中间各取一棵树并做标记。每棵树从树冠到树的基部分为3部分,每部分取一片大叶,再将大叶分为上、中、下3点,每点取5片小叶,即每片大叶取小叶15片,一棵树取小叶45片,每试验果园取小叶225片。统计若虫的数量(施药前及施药7d后),根据公式计算死亡率。
1.4 害虫为害情况 利用Grid-GPS系统监测各省试验果园的害虫发生情况(以卵记)。
1.5 药效残留分析方法 用气相色谱法测定醚菊酯和苦参碱的残留量[4-7]。
2 结果与分析
2.1 施药前通过Grid-GPS系统监测的2014年春季代害虫的发生情况 在此椰枣灰飞虱综合治理项目开展之前,我们将害虫在各试验地的为害程度分为了4个等级,即0~5卵/小叶,6~10卵/小叶,11~25卵/小叶和≥26卵/小葉,通过Grid-GPS系统统计各省不同等级的为害面积(见表1)。由表1可以看出,巴比伦省的总受害面积最大,占所有监测地点总面积的45.85%,迪瓦尼耶省的总受害面积最小,仅占所有监测地点总面积的2.15%。不同为害总面积随害虫为害程度的增加而降低。
3 讨论与讨论
[2]EMT Alhafidh.Biological and ecological studies on Ommatissus lybicus De Berge[J].Date Palm Journal,1988(08):12-14.
[3]W Wakil,JR Faleiro,TA Miller,et al.Date Palm Production and Pest Management Challenges[M].Springer International Publishing,2015:1-11.
[7]M Fernandezalvarez,M Llompart .JP Lamas,M Lores,et al.Development of a matrix solid-phase dispersion method for the simultaneous determination of pyrethroid and organochlorinated pesticides in cattle feed[J].Journal of Chromatography A,2009,1216(14):2832-2842. (责编:张宏民)
中图分类号 S435 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-7731(2017)20-0050-03
The Development and Application of an Integrated Program for the Management of the Dubas (Ommatissus lybicus De Berge) Pest in Iraq
Yu Guangwei et al.
(Qingdao Russell IPM Bio-Tech Co.,Ltd.,Qingdao 266100,China)
Abstract:An integrated program has been developed and applied for the management of the dubas bug (Ommatissus lybicus De Berge).The program including a pest monitoring system Grid-GPS,an aerial spraying calibration,and echo-friendly pesticide ssuch as herbal-based Matrixine (Oxymatrine 2.4% ULV),and Trebon (Etofenprox15%ULV).The residue content on the plant was also estimated as part of the program evaluation process.The results of the Grid-GPS map of the 2014 season indicated the existence of four different dubas infestation levels,ranging between light (0~5) egg/leaflet covering with 41.75% areal coverage,medium (6~10) egg/leaflet with 28.86% areal coverage,severe (11~25)egg/leaflet with 23.23% areal coverage,and very severe “bores” (more than 26 egg/leaflet) with 6.16% areal coverage of the total surface area.Both pesticides were effective,albeit to different levels,as the results showed qualitative superiority in the percentage efficiency in tended (farmed) orchards,compared to neglected (untended) orchards.In addition,the Grid-GPS scan results for the autumn generation of 2015 for orchards with light,medium,severe,and very severe infestations,indicated a change in the infestation levels in these categories from 41.75% to 68.48%,from 28.86% to19.52%,from 23.23% to 10.44%,and from 6.16% to 1.57% respectively.The pesticide analysis results for the 2014 season showed that the residue for Oxymatrine 2.4% ULV diminished to 0.0 ppm after 3 days of spraying,and the residue for Etofenprox 15% ULV diminished to 0.0 ppm after 4 days of spraying.
Key words:Agriculture entomology and pest control;Integrated management program;Green prevention and control;Dubas bug;Environment friendly pesticide
椰棗是阿拉伯国家的重要木本粮食作物,在阿拉伯地区的经济发展和人民生活中占有重要地位[1]。椰枣灰飞虱(Ommatissus Lybicus De Berge)是伊拉克及阿拉伯地区为害椰枣树的主要害虫,严重影响椰枣的产量及品质[2-3]。目前,在伊拉克国内针对椰枣灰飞虱的科学有效的防治方法还比较少。经过对过去近10年的虫害管理分析,我们发现之前椰枣灰飞虱的防治存在过分依赖化学农药,相关监测数据不明确,飞行喷雾操作不规范等问题,为此,笔者提出“以科学为依据,兼顾经济发展和环境保护”的新型虫害综合治理项目,项目内容包括:利用Grid-GPS系统监测椰枣灰飞虱的发生情况;利用低毒低残留的化学农药醚菊酯和植物源农药氧化苦参碱对害虫进行综合防治;利用精准的飞行喷雾模式及良好的田间管理方法提高防治效率。 1 材料和方法
1.1 供试药剂 15%醚菊酯超低容量剂,Russell IPM Ltd.。2.4%苦参碱超低容量剂,青岛罗素生物技术有限公司。
1.2 试验用飞机 生产厂家:欧洲直升机公司。
1.3 药效测定方法 在试验区域(果园)进行5点取样,4个方向及中间各取一棵树并做标记。每棵树从树冠到树的基部分为3部分,每部分取一片大叶,再将大叶分为上、中、下3点,每点取5片小叶,即每片大叶取小叶15片,一棵树取小叶45片,每试验果园取小叶225片。统计若虫的数量(施药前及施药7d后),根据公式计算死亡率。
1.4 害虫为害情况 利用Grid-GPS系统监测各省试验果园的害虫发生情况(以卵记)。
1.5 药效残留分析方法 用气相色谱法测定醚菊酯和苦参碱的残留量[4-7]。
2 结果与分析
2.1 施药前通过Grid-GPS系统监测的2014年春季代害虫的发生情况 在此椰枣灰飞虱综合治理项目开展之前,我们将害虫在各试验地的为害程度分为了4个等级,即0~5卵/小叶,6~10卵/小叶,11~25卵/小叶和≥26卵/小葉,通过Grid-GPS系统统计各省不同等级的为害面积(见表1)。由表1可以看出,巴比伦省的总受害面积最大,占所有监测地点总面积的45.85%,迪瓦尼耶省的总受害面积最小,仅占所有监测地点总面积的2.15%。不同为害总面积随害虫为害程度的增加而降低。
3 讨论与讨论
[2]EMT Alhafidh.Biological and ecological studies on Ommatissus lybicus De Berge[J].Date Palm Journal,1988(08):12-14.
[3]W Wakil,JR Faleiro,TA Miller,et al.Date Palm Production and Pest Management Challenges[M].Springer International Publishing,2015:1-11.
[7]M Fernandezalvarez,M Llompart .JP Lamas,M Lores,et al.Development of a matrix solid-phase dispersion method for the simultaneous determination of pyrethroid and organochlorinated pesticides in cattle feed[J].Journal of Chromatography A,2009,1216(14):2832-2842. (责编:张宏民)