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在传统的美术教学中,教师大多将目光和精力都集中在幼儿美术技能、美术知识以及美术教学的结果上,而忽视了在美术活动过程中,幼儿的感受和体验。灌输式的教学,早已不适应当前时代的发展。随着素质教育的不断深入,课程教育改革如火如荼地进行,“以生为本”的教学理念应当放于首位,让幼儿真正成为美术活动的主人。那么在美术教学中,如何有效地培养幼儿的自主学习能力,使其摆脱学习“机器”的命运,真正成为学习的主人呢? In traditional art teaching, most teachers focus their attention on the artistic skills of young children, art knowledge and the teaching of art, while neglecting the feelings and experiences of young children during the art activities. Instilled teaching has long been unsuited to the development of the current era. With the continuous deepening of quality education, the reform of curriculum education is in full swing. The teaching philosophy of “taking students as the foundation” should be placed in the first place so that young children can truly become the masters of fine arts activities. So in the art teaching, how to effectively develop young children’s ability to learn independently, to get rid of learning the fate of “machine ”, truly become the master of learning?
摘 要:随着田径运动技术水平的不断提高,我国在这些方面也有长足发展,尤其是在长跑运动方面取得了显著的成绩,如果想要进一步提高长跑运动成绩,以获取更高的名次,除了要重视选材、科学化训练等因素外,还要正确利用各项技战术,在国际和国内的一些大型比赛当中,一般取得成绩的运动员都能合理地利用自己的技战术。相反地,就必然会失利,所以技战术是长跑运动员创造优异成绩的一条重要途径。  关键词:长跑;田径运动;技战