中山市地处广东省珠江三角洲 ,是著名的侨乡 ,她临近港澳 ,经济发达 ,水陆交通便利 ,全市总面积1 80 0平方公里 ,现有常住人口 1 3 5万 ,外来人口 1 0 5万。随着经济的不断发展 ,1 988年中山升格为地级市 ,目前中山共辖 4区 2 0个镇 ,2 0 0 2年社会生产总值达到 1 3 0 0多亿 ,G
Located in the Pearl River Delta of Guangdong Province, Zhongshan is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese. As it is near to Hong Kong and Macao, Zhongshan enjoys a convenient economy of land and sea transportation. The total area of the city is 18,000 square kilometers. The existing permanent population is 135,000 and the number of foreign population is 105,000 . With the continuous development of the economy, Zhongshan was upgraded to a prefecture-level city in 1988. Currently, Zhongshan has totally exempted 20 towns in 4 districts and has a total social product of over 130 billion in 2002. G