森林生态系统是陆地生态系统最重要的碳库和碳汇,其地下-地上生物量分配规律即根冠比(R/S),对于精确估算森林生物量,尤其是对建造森林地下生物量估算模型具有重大参考意义.为探究大尺度上气候、林分因子对中国天然林根冠比的影响,对1 109块天然林样地进行统计分析.结果显示:中国天然林R/S平均值为0.26,阔叶森林的R/S要显著高于针叶森林,落叶森林的R/S要显著高于常绿森林,年均温、林龄及水分可利用性与中国天然林R/S呈显著负相关关系,年均温是影响中国天然林R/S变化的最主要因子.综合纬度、经度、年均温、降水、林龄等环境因素的影响发现,纬度、林分密度是影响R/S的最主要因素.因此,精确估算森林碳储量和森林生物量分配时必须考虑纬度和林分密度的影响.
Forest ecosystem is the most important carbon sink and carbon sink in terrestrial ecosystems. The root-shoot ratio (R / S) of the subsurface-aboveground biomass distribution is the most important measure to estimate the forest biomass, especially for the underground biomass in the forest Model was of great reference value.In order to explore the effects of large-scale climate and stand factors on the root-shoot ratio of natural forests in China, a statistical analysis of 1 109 natural forest plots was carried out.The results showed that the average R / S of natural forests in China was 0.26, R / S of broad-leaved forest was significantly higher than that of coniferous forest, R / S of deciduous forest was significantly higher than that of evergreen forest, availability of annual average temperature, forest age and water and R / S of natural forest in China And the annual average temperature is the most important factor affecting the R / S of natural forests in China.Collecting the influence of environmental factors such as latitude, longitude, annual average temperature, precipitation and age, it is found that the latitude and the stand density are the major factors influencing the R / S. Therefore, the precise estimation of forest carbon stocks and forest biomass allocation must consider the impact of latitude and stand density.