我们经常讲研究(Research)和设计(Design)的关系,我在美国康奈尔大学读硕士的时候,对此体会尤为深刻。我们是最后一届研究型的职业后建筑学硕士(M.Arch ll),学校非常鼓励研究与设计的结合,最后的毕业论文是个基于研究的设计。这种研究与设计相结合的教育传统从德州游骑(Texas Ranger)对格罗皮乌斯(Gropius)回避形式问题的批判,展开对空间研究开始,实际上非常深刻地影响了美国建筑教育。然而最近一些年美国传统的M.Arch ll教育都往短平快的设计方向倾斜,虽然仍然在
We often talk about the relationship between research and design, and I was particularly impressed when I was a master at Cornell University in the United States. We are M.Archll, the last researching post-professional architecture graduate. The school strongly encourages the combination of research and design. The final dissertation is a research-based design. This tradition of research-and-design education began with Texas Ranger’s critique of the form of Gropius avoidance and started the study of space, which in effect profoundly influenced American architectural education. However, in recent years, the traditional American M.Arch ll education has been tilted towards the short and fast design direction,