Example 1,21 years old. 3 ~ + months beginning glans sesame induration, getting bigger and painful. 1/3 of the left side of the glans is full of bulging cord, about 1 × 2.2cm. Blood Kang’s reaction suspicious, Fahrenheit positive. Other organs did not see the tuberculosis. Two biopsies, the first report of glans ulcer and necrosis (syphilis?); The second is glans tuberculosis. Give anti-TB treatment. Example 2,45 years old. 8 ~ + Glauces begin early green scotoma, gradually increasing, near pain. Glans 1.5 × 1cm mass, hard side clear, not active pressure disease. Blood Kang Fah reaction negative. Other organs tuberculosis (-). Local tumor resection. Pathological diagnosis: glans tuberculosis like changes. Following anti-TB treatment. Example 3,55 years old. Glaucomatous early in March to pea blisters, ulcerated bleeding, stinging. The dorsal thumb ulcer and a little secretion