阿斯旺高坝位于埃及的尼罗河干流上,大坝为粘土心墙堆石坝,最大坝高111 m,总库容为1 690亿m3。自大坝建成以来,其水库底部沉积了大约37亿m3的沉积物,平均每年形成的底部沉积达1亿m3。介绍了埃及专家通过对水库进行实地观测、取样试验和分析研究,最终研制出了一套行之有效的方案,该方案既符合环保要求,又能清除库底沉积物。
The Aswan high dam is located on the main Nile river in Egypt. The dam is a clay core rockfill dam with a maximum dam height of 111 m and a total reservoir capacity of 169 billion m3. Since the completion of the dam, about 3.7 billion m3 of sediments have been deposited on the bottom of the reservoir, with an average of 100 million m3 deposited each year on the bottom. Introduced the Egyptian experts through field observations of the reservoir, sampling tests and analysis of the final study developed a set of effective programs that meet both environmental requirements, but also to clear the reservoir sediment.