Sagarrasu in southwestern Turkey is a relatively preserved classical site in the Mediterranean region. The archaeological survey of this site began in 1985, making comprehensive use of topographic mapping, “intensive” archeological, geomorphological and geophysical exploration surveys. Site excavation using the environment, climate, livelihood research, handicrafts and other multidisciplinary methods, in order to understand the site in a broader historical context has provided a good help. The main objective of this project is to protect all the objects, artifacts and buildings found in ancient ruins. Larger structures are restored on drawings, and when more than 85% of the building components are reused, the work team reconstructs the original. This operation is developed to be more sophisticated through years of practice Methods. It can be argued that the protection and presentation of sites is part and parcel of a wider range of natural and cultural landscape protection efforts. Involving locals in the project while presenting the site and the entire area to visitors is considered the best way to protect it.