【摘 要】
我一直在等一个像你这样的男人你也在等着成为我的男人 我会去巴黎看看公园里的恋人们试试深夜在加州的沙滩上漫步 *我将穿着蓝色牛仔裤看遍世界但我总会回来的 我总会回到你身边* 我一直在等一个像你这样的男人 你也在等着成为我的男人 我会去中国,在长城写上“我爱你” 也许还去伦敦,赶一场阿尔伯特音乐厅的演出
I’m sitting in my office answering email messages when I glance out the window and see Benjamin Franklin leaning against a wall talking on his cell phone. I rub my eyes and refocus, but Ben is still t
今年的奥斯卡颁奖礼,我们又见到了艾伦·德杰尼勒斯。如果说对于2007年德杰尼勒斯初登奥斯卡舞台,奥斯卡组委会有搞噱头之嫌,那么这次“梅开二度”便是对其实至名归的肯定。从当年“冒天下之大不韪”公开“出柜”,陷入事业的低谷,到凭借着过人才智“咸鱼翻身”, 德杰尼勒斯展现的不止是一名“边缘人物”的奋斗史,还是一次公众态度的进化史。 德杰尼勒斯“出柜”的那会儿,同性恋似乎在全球范围内都是遭人嫌的角色,即
The doctor cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, but I have bad news.” That’s when Pat began to cry. Her baby was a year old, and he hadn’t started crawling yet. “Your son has a 1)neuromuscular disorder c
Facebook’s hefty US$19 billion purchase in cash and stocks of WhatsApp has stunned Silicon Valley, but could it be that the 1)acquisition was partly motivated by the stunning rise of Asian messaging a
How long will I love you? As long as stars are above you And longer if I can How long will I need you? As long as the seasons need to Follow their plan How long will I be with you? As long as t
My first regret, or maybe, the first regret I remember I knew going into this “fatherhood” thing that it would be difficult and that I would make mistakes. However, I never knew how right I could be.
One inch is the length of a blade of grass, a baby carrot, a toothpick. It is the 1)proverbial next to nothing. But for 2)slackliners, this tiniest of measurements is the key to their sport. First,
In the end, he died an ordinary man, only rich in wrinkles from where the spirit had been. It would be the saddest days, and we watched the world weep for a giant bigger than myths, and a life ow
1. Last week I visited my friend Pete in the new home where he lives with his wife and daughter. Pete used to spend his holidays travelling the world, visiting the pyramids in Egypt or scuba diving in
To the woman and child who sat at table 9, I did not introduce myself to you. My name is Tony Posnanski. I have been a restaurant manager for fifteen years now. My day consists of making sure my rest