在日本关西地区,风景秀丽属岚山。岚山有个龟山公园,环境十分幽雅。大堰川绕岚山脚下潺潺流过,碧透的河水清澈见底。两岸满山青葱茂密的松林、杉林,中间夹着樱树和小叶枫。山下竹林片片,村舍幢幢。一阵细雨过后,轻纱般的薄雾,飘忽飘忽地缭绕在岚山之顶。这大概就是“岚山”这个美丽名字的来历吧! 龟山公园里挺拔的青松、樱树,环抱着周恩来总理诗碑。
In the Kansai region of Japan, the beautiful scenery is Arashiyama. Arashiyama has a Kameyama Park, the environment is very elegant. Yayan River Arashiyama gurgling around the foot, Bitou clear crystal bottomed out. Both sides of the mountains lush pine forests, fir forest, sandwiched between the cherry tree and leaflet maple. Mountain bamboo film, cottage blocks. After a while drizzly, gauze-like mist, erraticly winds around the top of Arashiyama. This is probably the origin of the beautiful name “Arashiyama!” Kameyama Park upright pine, cherry trees, surrounded by Premier Zhou Enlai poem.