金立三略 金立——中国手机品牌的佼佼者

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成立于2002年的金立,历经13年的市场考验,在竞争激烈的中国手机市场,多年屹立,顽强前行,并成为中国手机品牌中的佼佼者,在这个过程中,金立凭借着踏实务实的企业战略,兢兢业业的企业理念,高效超强的研发队伍,丰富多样的产品类型,准确有效的市场传播,为国内手机企业甚至于其他行业做出了榜样,并通过一系列的技术手段引领行业的发展趋势。正如金立董事长刘立荣先生所言:“金立一切从用户利益出发,用心做好每一件产品!”这是一种企业精神,如果想让中国成为真正的世界品牌大国,中国就需要成千上万家像金立这样的企业,用优质的产品打动消费者,赢得消费者,进而获得市场的尊重,让中国手机品牌不仅立足于本土,更能够走向世界。本期《广告人》杂志月度大案,我们试图从品牌战略、产品策略、足球攻略三略出发,对金立进行全方位的品牌透视,为业界提供一种模式,希望从金立的个性化营销中找出共性内容,与其他行业的有识之士共同分享。 Founded in 2002, Jin Li, after 13 years of market test, has been standing firm in the highly competitive Chinese mobile phone market for many years and has become one of the best mobile phone brands in China. In this process, Jin Li takes a pragmatic Corporate strategy, dedicated corporate philosophy, efficient super-strong R & D team, a variety of product types, accurate and effective market communication, for domestic mobile phone companies and other industries to set an example, and through a series of technical means to lead the industry development trend. Just as Mr. Liu Lirong, chairman of Jinli, put it: “All of Jinli’s efforts are made from the user’s interest, and every product is carefully made.” This is an entrepreneurial spirit. If China wants to become a truly world-brand powerhouse, China needs to become Thousands of companies like Jinli use their high-quality products to impress consumers, win consumers, and gain market respect, enabling Chinese mobile phone brands not only to be based on their own land but also to go global. In the monthly issue of “Advertisers Magazine”, we tried our best to make a full range of brand perspective on Jinli from brand strategy, product strategy and football strategy, and provide a model for the industry. We hope that from Jinli’s personalized marketing Find common content, and other sectors of insight to share.