本文发表于美刊《哲学杂志》1983年第7期(总第80卷)。艾伦·布坎南(Allen E.Buchanan),现为美国杜克大学特聘哲学教授,著有《人权、合法性与暴力的使用》(2009)、《正义、合法性与自决--国际法的道德基础》(2003)、《伦理学、效率与市场》(1985)、《马克思与正义--对自由主义的激进批判》(1982)等深具影响的学术著作,是一位在政治哲学、伦理学、国际法、市场理论和马克思哲学等领域都富有建树的哲学家。他在这篇书评中继续阐述了他在《马克思与正义》一书中所阐释的思想,透过这篇书评,我们能够看到布坎南对伍德在捍卫马克思的历史唯物主义立场、阐释马克思对法权概念的批判以及阐释马克思的辩证法方面的赞赏,但布坎南又不满意于伍德
This article was published in the American Journal of Philosophy, No. 7, 1983 (total volume 80). Allen E. Buchanan is currently a Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Duke University in the United States and author of “The Use of Human Rights, Legitimacy and Violence” (2009), "Justice, Legitimacy and Self-determination - International Law (2003), Ethics, Efficiency and Market (1985), Marx and Justice (Radical Criticism of Liberalism) (1982) and other influential academic works, is a political philosophy, Ethics, international law, market theory and Marxist philosophy. In this book review, he continues to elaborate on his ideas as elaborated in Marx and Justice. Through this book review, we can see Buchanan’s explanation of Wood’s historical materialist position in defending Marxism and Marx’s Criticism of the concept of legal right, as well as appreciation of Marx’s dialectics, but Buchanan not satisfied with Wood