一、年会IEC/TC29的第廿次年会于1982年3月8日至17日在西柏林召开。会议期间还分别召开了 TC29的各分技术委员会(SC29B:音频工程;SC29C:测量设备;SC29D:超声)以及下属的各工作组会议。参加 TC29全会的共有14个国家、52名代表及2名观察员(ISO/TC43和 IEC中央办公室各1名)。会议主席是 W.W.Lo-
First, the 20th Annual Meeting of IEC / TC29 was held in West Berlin from March 8 to March 17, 1982. During the meeting were also held TC29 technical subcommittee (SC29B: audio engineering; SC29C: measurement equipment; SC29D: ultrasound) and the subordinate working group meetings. A total of 14 countries, 52 delegates and 2 observers (1 in each of the ISO / TC43 and IEC central offices) participate in the TC29 Plenary. The chairman of the meeting was W.W.Lo-