工业毒物对育龄女工和孕妇的影响,久已受到人们的注意。但对男工接触毒物所致生殖功能障碍,直至1977年报道二溴氯丙烷(DBCP)工人的精子缺乏和不育症以后,才开始引起重视。 关于工业毒物对男性生殖功能的影响,目前研究得还很不够,评价也较困难。其原因有以下三方面:(1)许多男性生殖功能基本生理指标的常数尚未建立,检验技术尚待标准化,而且缺乏精确和敏感的方法和指标;(2)由于社会传统意识和道德观念的影响,受检人群的合理选择有困难;(3)在多数情况下只能作回顾性调查,因此只能依靠流行病学的证据而非实验性探索。
The impact of industrial toxicants on women of childbearing age and pregnant women has long drawn the attention of people. However, exposure of male workers to reproductive dysfunction caused by poisons did not begin to attract attention until 1977 when dibromochloropropane (DBCP) workers reported sperm deficiency and infertility. The impact of industrial toxicants on male reproductive function, the current study is still not enough, the evaluation is more difficult. There are three reasons for this: (1) Many of the basic physiological parameters of reproductive function in men have not yet been established. The testing techniques have yet to be standardized and lack of accurate and sensitive methods and indicators. (2) Due to the influence of traditional social consciousness and ethics , It is difficult to reasonably choose the subjects to be tested; (3) In most cases, it can only be retrospectively surveyed and therefore can only rely on epidemiological evidence rather than experimental exploration.