采用 4种不同的血细胞 /EB病毒 (Epstein BarrVirus ,EBV)比率系列转染冻存血方法建立永生淋巴细胞株 ,建株成功率达 97 87% ,并成功地对 4 7例染色体异常患者建立了永生淋巴细胞株 ,为今后不断进行的深入研究奠定了基础
Four immortal lymphocyte lines were transplanted with cryopreserved blood using four different Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) ratios. The success rate of establishment of the strains was 97.87% and the successful establishment of 47 cases of chromosomal abnormalities Immortalized lymphoblastoid strains, laid the foundation for further in-depth research in the future