本文从7个方面阐述了如何提高自己的陈述与演讲能力。如要有明确目标,要具备枳极心态,要了解听众的需求,演讲内容不游离主题等。根据“当你只想到帮助别人时,你会忘记自己的忧愁”这一原则,发表演讲时只要想到是为你的听众服务,从而会减少紧张、恐惧情绪。 文章最后指出,上述虽表面看来只是谈到了演讲才能的培养与训练问题,实际上提出人们如何不失时机地展现自己的才能,从而在事业中不断获得晋升的技巧。
This article explains how to improve your own presentation and presentation skills from seven aspects. If you want to have a clear goal, you must have a blatant attitude, you must understand the needs of the audience, the content of the speech is not free topics. According to the principle that when you only think of helping others, you will forget your own sorrows. When you give a speech, you only think of serving your audience, which will reduce tension and fear. At the end of the article, the author pointed out that although the above-mentioned problems only seem to be related to the training and training of speech skills, they actually put forward how people can show their talents without losing the opportunity to continue to gain promotion skills in their careers.