米兰·昆德拉(Milan Kundera),1929年出生于捷克一个中产阶级家庭,父亲是著名的音乐理论家和钢琴家。昆德拉从小跟随父亲学习钢琴,后来又学习音乐理论和作曲。音乐给他带来的影响在其作品中随处可见,他甚至在书中直接采用音符来表达自己的观点。1975年昆德拉以流亡者的身份来到法国,1981年加入法国籍,因此他把自己看成是一个地道的法国作家,坚持认为其作品理应归为法国文学类别,无论是研究者做研究时还是书店进行销售时都应如此。昆德拉是在中国最富知名度的当代外国作家之一。因为其作品投射了当时的社会风尚,上世纪90年代
Milan Kundera, born in 1929 in a middle-class family in Czech Republic, whose father is a famous music theorist and pianist. Kundera studied piano with her father from an early age and later studied music theory and composition. The impact of music on him can be found throughout his work, and he even uses notes directly in the book to express his opinion. Kundera came to France in 1975 as an exile and joined French in 1981, so he regarded himself as an authentic French writer, insisting that his work deserved to fall into the category of French literature, whether it be for researchers to do research When the bookstore or sales should be so. Kundera is one of the most famous contemporary foreign writers in China. Because of his works projected the social fashion at the time, 90s of last century