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在这几年的高考英语卷中,书面表达占比较大的分值,一般要求考生参照试卷所给的一点提示,在充分领会主题的前提下,能够用自己的语言来组织成一篇内容充实、主题鲜明、语句通顺、用词恰当、结构正确的小作 In the past few years in the college entrance examination English, written expressions account for a relatively large score, and generally require candidates to refer to the tips given in the test papers. Under the premise of full understanding of the subject, they can use their own language to organize an enriched content. Clearly themed topics, fluent sentences, proper wording, and correct structure
I was referred to you by Mr.Dave Zbecki,a Parter with your New York Office,who informed me that the Chicago ofice of Big Puclic Accounting is actively I was re
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亲爱的同学们,来参加口语冲浪吧! 你不仅可以学习地道的英语口语,还能掌握不少英美文化背景知识呢! Dear students, come and participate in oral surf! You can not only
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One day, the father asks his son,“At what place you are in your class? ” “I’m at the twenty-sixth.”answers the son. Three months One day, the father asks
学校:自贡一中梦想:英语主播最难忘的事:参加四川省英语电视大赛特长爱好:英语,播音,主持座右铭:世上无难事,只怕有心人。学校推荐理由:上进心强 School: Zigong Yizhong Dr
Yesterday it was raining heavily all day. I wanted to go to the post office. My mother asked me to take an umbrella with me when I left. When I was walking alon
向肖伯纳求婚英国有位美貌的女演员,曾写信向肖伯纳求婚。她说,因为他是个天才,她不嫌肖伯纳年迈丑陋。假如能使女郎的美貌和超人的天才结合,那该是多么 Proposing marriage