This article is a sequel to the article “The Formation and Preliminary Development of the Early Complex Society in the Central Plains”, which was completed by the author before. The two can be used to describe the author’s complete understanding of the complicated development of the prehistoric society in the Central Plains. There are two different views about the scope covered by the “Longshan Times” in the academic community. The differences mainly lie in the ownership of the remains of the “Miaodi ditch” in the Central Plains. One will be the last two stages of the temple bottom ditch classified Yangshao culture development stage, the other will be classified as the early Longshan era. The author used to treat it as a separate stage of development between Yangshao and Yongsan era. Here for the narrative convenience into Longshan era framework, but actually as a special stage to be discussed. In this way, the analysis of this article is divided into two major stages: “Miaodi ditch two period” and “Longshan period”.