
来源 :农业科技通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:testsininet
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吉粘6号是吉林省农业科学院水稻研究所于1997年采用品种间杂交方法,经多代选择及特性鉴定育成的中熟糯稻新品种,生育期136天,主要优点是穗大粒多,丰产性较好,抗稻瘟病性强,米质优良,粘性好,适应性广。 Ji stick 6 is the Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Rice in 1997, the use of inter-species hybridization method, after many generations of selection and characterization of bred new varieties of maturity, growth period of 136 days, the main advantages are spike large grain, high yield Better, resistant to rice blast, rice quality, good viscosity, wide adaptability.