8月27日下午3时30分许,温岭市松门镇狮子巷陈华家,因电线年久老化,导线裸露引起短路,引发了一场大火,年初刚装修一新的新房及妻子的陪嫁物全部被烧光,直接经济损失达10多万元。 是日下午,陈某正在街上,只听有人对他喊道:“你家着火了,快拨‘119’报警”。此时的火苗已经逐渐沿着电线从二楼蹿至三楼。市消防大队和松门专职消防队接到报警后,立即赶往现场。但因万新街与余家巷丁字路口处有高压电线杆挡道,消防车无法靠近现场,只能在离现场150米外的街中进行接力供水救火。
August 27 at 3:30 pm Xu, Wenling City Songmen Town Lion Lane Chen Hua home, due to the aging wire for a long time, exposed wire caused a short circuit, triggered a fire, just renovated the beginning of the new home and his wife’s dowry were all Burning, the direct economic loss of more than 10 million. Is the afternoon, Chen is in the street, just listen to someone shouted to him: “Your home caught fire, quickly dial ’119’ alarm.” At this point the flames have been gradually along the wire from the second floor to the third floor. City Fire Brigade and Fire Department full-time fire department received the alarm immediately rushed to the scene. However, there is a high-voltage utility pole at the intersection of Wan-Xin Street and Yu-Jia-Xiang. Fire-fighting vehicles can not be close to the site and can only be relayed for water supply and firefighting within 150 meters of the street.