Using the synchrotron radiation vacuum ultraviolet single-photon ionization and molecular beam sampling mass spectrometry, the methane-hydrogen-oxygen-argon low-pressure laminar premixed flame with 0%, 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% The experimental results show that the main products of methane - hydrogen - oxygen - argon flame are detected by measuring the photoionization mass spectrometry and photoionization efficiency spectroscopy curves, and the main products of hydrogen - specific methane - hydrogen - oxygen - argon flame (CH3), C2H2 (acetylene), CH2O (formaldehyde), CH3OH (methanol), C2H4 (ethylene) and C2H2O (ethylene Ketone), the influence of hydrogen addition on the mole fraction of main products and intermediate products was analyzed.The experimental results show that methane doping can reduce the mole fraction of CO, CO2 and CH4 in the combustion products.Experimental results The mole fraction of intermediate product of the flame was significantly reduced. Due to the increase of molar fraction of H and OH in the flame after doping, the strong diffusivity and activity of hydrogen increased the flame chemical reaction rate, and the H / C ratio of blended fuel increased after hydrogen addition , So that the flame C-based intermediate product of the mole fraction decreased, helps to reduce Mole fraction of products of incomplete combustion.