日本一个公司研制成功了一种汽车汽油发动机和柴油发动机用的磁场处理汽车节油装置。实车行驶测试结果表明,用此装置燃料费用可节省15.7~30%,而且,也防止了公害。 这种装置是在铁箱中放置永久磁铁构成的。汽油或煤油在燃烧室中呈雾状油粒得以微细化,而空气通过磁场处理,其中的氧活性化,使油完全燃烧。
A Japanese company successfully developed a car gasoline engine and diesel engine with magnetic field treatment of automotive fuel-efficient devices. Actual vehicle test results show that the fuel costs can be saved with this device 15.7 to 30%, but also to prevent pollution. This device is placed in the iron box composed of permanent magnets. Gasoline or kerosene in the combustion chamber was fined particles, and the air through the magnetic field treatment, in which the activation of oxygen, the oil completely combustion.