The collision characteristics of the orthogonally polarized solitons with initial linear frequency chirp in the linear birefringent fibre for β2<0 are numerically studied. It is found that initial chirp changes the threshold value of solitons to form the bound-state in the birefringent fibre. The effect of initial positive chirp on the threshold value is more obvious than that of negative chirp. In the case of δ=0.7 and initial interval 2τ0= 1.25, the two solitons are mutually bound for 0.2≤C≤1, and they do not form the bound-state for-1≤C<0.2. Frequency shifts increase with the increase of chirp parameter C for-1≤C<0.2, and have the oscillatory structure for C≥0.2. The effect of positive chirp on temporal FWHM is greater than that of negative chirp. The peak of temporal waveform oscillates with the propagation distance. The period and amplitude of the oscillation for the chirped case are greater than those for the unchirped case, and they vary with the increase of |C|. The peak of output temporal waveform can be controlled by changing the initial chirp.