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在确定 n-Si补偿度时通常采用变温的霍尔测量进行霍尔分析或迁移率分析方法,前者必须具备比液氮温度低很多的温度条件,费时而冗长.迁移率分析则根据n-Si的能带结构和散射机构,由液氮温度下的迁移率值和室温下测量载流子浓度得出补偿度.虽然迁移率分析方法较霍尔分析已经大大简化,但仍然要变换样品温度;况且对在室温下呈高阻的样品,测量也比较困难.我们根据电中性方程和Si中电子散射机构提出了只根据液氮温度下霍尔测量数据确定补偿度的方法. In the determination of n-Si compensation is usually used when Hall temperature measurement or Hall effect analysis method for mobility analysis, the former must have a much lower temperature than liquid nitrogen temperature conditions, time-consuming and lengthy.Migration analysis based on n-Si Of the band structure and scattering mechanism, the liquid nitrogen temperature from the mobility and carrier concentration measured at room temperature derived compensation degree.Although the mobility analysis method has been greatly simplified than the Hall analysis, but still have to change the sample temperature; Moreover, it is difficult to measure the samples with high resistance at room temperature.We propose a method to determine the compensation degree based on the Hall measurement data only at the liquid nitrogen temperature according to the electron neutrality equation and the electron scattering mechanism in Si.
山东省民政系统以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,把握时代脉搏,紧跟时代发展,把“为民”作为第一要事,把人民满意作为第一标准, 把群众呼声作为第一信号,把勤政廉
随着激光技术的不断进步,高能激光武器也逐步由空想阶段进入现实,目前它已同粒子束武器一起,作为美苏之间宇宙竞争的王牌登上了舞台。 With the continuous advancement of
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BACKGROUND: Traditional subhibernation therapy may easily cause complications, such as respiratory depression and hyportension because of application of chlorpr
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