在烟波浩渺的大西洋上,星罗棋布着700余个大大小小的岛屿,组成了风景秀丽的巴哈马联邦。新普罗维登斯岛是首都拿骚的所在地,而真正使其成为宠儿的,则是亚特兰蒂斯。亚特兰蒂斯——古希腊圣哲柏拉图臆想中的神秘岛,据说曾被海水吞没,而后又神奇般地复出。古老的传说已无从考证,但它如今却实实在在地成了世界一大奇观,为越来越多的人所向往。 20多年前,南非旅馆业巨头索洛蒙·科茨奈发现了这块仅与拿骚一桥相隔的风水宝地。这个俄罗斯后裔出生在南非约翰内斯堡市郊的贫民家庭,他
In the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean, dotted with more than 700 large and small islands, formed the scenic Bahamas federal. New Providence Island is home to the capital, Nassau, and Atlantis is the real darling of the island. Atlantis - the mysterious island of ancient Greek holy Zeplato imaginary, was said to have been swallowed by the sea, then magically comeback. Ancient legends are no longer validated, but now it has truly become a world wonders, more and more people are longing for. More than 20 years ago, the South African hotel industry giant Solomon Corzine discovered this feng shui treasure only separated from the Nassau Bridge. This Russian descendant was born to a poor family on the outskirts of Johannesburg, South Africa, he