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  关键词:房地产周期 多元回归 经济变量
  Korea's housing market turned bullish after the government announced a set of measures in early April to prop up the nation's faltering real estate market.
  For the first time this year, home transactions in Korea ROSE last month from a year earlier.The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport said Friday that provisional figures show that nearly 70-thousand houses saw new owners last month, up more than 8-and-a-half percent from April last year. The most notable increase came in the area of Seoul where home transactions jumped almost 20 percent to around 30-thousand.
  The property cycle follows a predictable pattern as sure as night follows day. This pattern reveals three distinct phases being Boom followed by Slump followed by Recovery before the next Boom commences etc. The property cycle (unimpeded) will always follows this pattern so a Boom cannot precede another Boom without first experiencing a Slump followed by a Recovery before the next Boom can arrive.
  This paper is about the analysis of the relationship between Korea house purchase price index and four main variables mentioned above. Therefore two were run in order to understand which model is the best fit model to analyze their relationships over the period January 2000 – January 2013. which consist of 157 observations for each variable.
  Model 1
  As can be seen from table 2, this model explains a large proportion of the variance , in fact is equal to 0.84. But not all the variables of the model are statistically significant since the p-values of housing bonds and month rent are greater than the level of significance considered (5%). So we reject the null hypothesis. We can see that 1% increase in yields of national housing bonds will change +0.0036% housing purchase price index.Similarly, 1% growth in monthly rent for housing will change by +0.0026% hppi,which is not so obvious effect. Moreover, an increase of 1 unit in average narrow money will affect positively hppi by +9.23E-07%.
  Model 2
  As can be seen from table 3, this model explains a very high proportion of the variance which is 0.90. Moreover, all the variables of the model are highly significant since all the p-values are smaller than the level of significance considered (5%). We can see that 1% increase in yields of national housing bonds will change +44.0% housing purchase price index.Similarly, 1% growth in monthly rent for housing will change by +349.1% hppi,which is not so obvious effect. Moreover, an increase of 1 unit in average narrow money will affect positively hppi by +110.1%.   3.Conclusion
  The house purchase index is based on transactions involving conventional and conforming mortgagesonly on singlefamily properties that have been purchased or securitized by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. It is a weighted, repeat-sales index, which means that it measures average price changes in repeat sales or financings on the same properties.
  Yields of national housing bonds ,Monthly rent for housing and Average narrow money are good regressors of the house purchase price index.
  After ran two models using the multiple regression model.Taking a log of every regressor and the dependent variable, an equation comes out the best fit model of this problem. Using model 2, we can estimate the property cycles considering a bias within. Thus,using the model mentioned above, we can get a deeper understanding about the how the economical variables influence the property market and how the property cycles can be predicted in a econometrical way.
  [1]“Introduction to Econometrics”James H.Stock Mark W.Watson
  [2]“Introductory Econometrics” J.Wooldridge
  [3]“econometric Analysis” W.Greene
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摘要:随着我国经济社会发展面临的复杂性日益增加,农村领域的金融改革显得尤为引人注意。然而,我国传统的农村落后局面需经较长一段时间的发展才能得到改变,其经济增长长期缺乏活力和资金,只有以解决资金问题,才能稳步实习农村经济又好又快的健康发展。故我们对农户的借贷情况进行实地调查以及数据分析,以期能了解农户借贷的现实情况和寻找一些解决办法,查看借贷问题之所在。  关键词:借贷双方 数据分析 存在问题及解决
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