这是一个令人心碎的时刻。 2003年2月26日清晨,山东省利津县利津镇崔林村村支部书记、民兵连指导员王友成带着撬杠、绳子和往常一样早早地来到了麦田。昨晚,他和村支部委员们商量好了,趁黄河来水,赶紧扯上电给嗷嗷待哺的麦苗灌一次水。不一会儿,在村西头的利(津)沾(化)公路旁,村支部委员宋瑞民等赶来与他会合。他们把几根沉重的水泥电线杆装上拖拉机,王友成见露在车厢外面的电线杆不牢靠,便拿起撬杆准备往里撬一撬。正在他蹲下身子的当
This is a heartbreaking moment. On the morning of February 26, 2003, Wang Youcheng, secretary of the Cui Lincun village branch in Lijin Town, Lijin County, Shandong Province, took the crowbar with his rope and arrived early in the morning as usual. Last night, he and the village branch members to discuss well, while the Yellow River came, quickly pull the electricity to the barley wheat seedling irrigation water. A short while later, Song Ruimin, a member of the village branch, came along to meet him at the Li (Jin) Zhanhua Railway in the west of the village. They put a few heavy cement poles put on the tractor, WangYou stereotypes exposed in the car outside the pole is not reliable, he picked up the pry bar ready to pry a pry. When he was squatting body