Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance study on the two-electrode-system cyclic voltammetric be

来源 :Science in China(Series B:Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kill5678
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A two-channel electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) was used to investigate the cyclic voltammetric behavior of two Prussian blue (PB) film-modified Au electrodes in a two-electrode con-figuration in aqueous solution. The redox peaks observed in the two-electrode cyclic voltammogram (CV) are assigned to the intrinsic redox transitions among the Everitt’s salt, PB, and Prussian yellow for the film itself, the redox process of the Au substrate and the redox process of small-quantity ferri-/ferrocyanide impurities entrapped in the PB film, as also supported by ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroelectrochemical data. The profile of the two-electrode solid-state CV for the PB powder sand-wiched between two gold-coated indium-tin oxide (ITO) electrodes is similar to that for two PB-modified Au electrodes in aqueous solution, implying similar origins for the corresponding redox peaks. The two-channel EQCM method is expected to become a highly effective technique for the studies of the two-electrode electrochemical behaviors of many other species/materials. A two-channel electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) was used to investigate the cyclic voltammetric behavior of two Prussian blue (PB) film-modified Au electrodes in a two-electrode con-configuration in aqueous solution. The redox peaks were observed in the two -electrode cyclic voltammogram (CV) are assigned to the intrinsic redox transitions among the Everitt’s salt, PB, and Prussian yellow for the film itself, the redox process of the Au substrate and the redox process of small-quantity ferri- / ferrocyanide impurities entrapped in the PB film, also supported by ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroelectrochemical data. The profile of the two-electrode solid- state CV for the PB powder sand- wiched between two gold- coated indium- tin oxide (ITO) electrodes are similar to that for two PB-modified Au electrodes in aqueous solution, implying similar origins for the corresponding redox peaks. The two-channel EQCM method is expected to become highly effective technique for the studies of the two-electrode electrochemical behaviors of many other species / materials.
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本刊讯(记者韩阳)9月1日,由二十一世纪出版社举办的“彩乌鸦中文原创系列”国际版权推介会在北京举行。日本白杨社社长坂井宏先,英国麦克 Our correspondent (Reporter Han
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