春天,总是带给人们新的希望和期冀。对于50余万鞍钢人来讲,今年的春天格外令人欣然。 继去年鞍钢全面完成生产经营任务,实现了3.3亿元利润,上缴税金实现当年不欠后,今年首季生产经营质量效益明显提高,钢材质量创历史同期最好水平。 单纯从数据上看,还称不上辉煌,但这成绩却是鞍钢人在永生难忘的由计划经济向市场经济转轨的特殊背景下,通过前所未有的拼搏而奋争得来的。
Spring always brings people new hope and expectation. For more than 500,000 Ansteel people, this spring is particularly welcome. After Anshan Iron and Steel completed its production and operation tasks in the past year and achieved a profit of 330 million yuan, the tax payment was not owed in the same year. The quality and efficiency of production and operation in the first quarter of this year increased significantly. The quality of steel products hit the best level in history over the same period. Simply from the data point of view, but also can not be described as brilliant, but this achievement is Ansteel people in the unforgettable immortal life from the planned economy to the market economy, the special context of struggle through unprecedented fighting to come.