著名教育家陶行知先生曾经说过:“要评论一所学校,首先要评论他的校长。”那么,校长在学校学习型组织建设中应扮演什么样的角色、发挥什么样的作用呢?我认为,在学习型组织建设的过程中,校长的角色与行为应该发生变化。 一是由管理者向领导者转变:不是只关注正确地做事,而更要关注做正确的事;不是纯粹做教职员工行为规范的制定和监督的管理者,而首先是做教职员工思想的引领者。
Mr. Tao Xingzhi, a famous educator, once said: “To comment on a school, we must first comment on his principal.” Then, what role should principals play in the construction of school-based learning organizations and what role should they play? In my opinion, the role and behavior of principals should change in the process of learning organization construction. First, the manager to the leader of the shift: not just focus on the correct work, but more attention to do the right thing; not purely as a manager of the norms of the development and supervision of managers, and first of all do the thinking of teaching staff to lead By.