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为了解中国制造业企业如何应对劳动力成本的快速上升,武汉大学质量发展战略研究院联合中国社会科学院、斯坦福大学和香港科技大学在2015-2016年开展了中国企业-劳动力匹配调查(CEES)。CEES调查采用了国际水平的随机抽样方法和质量控制措施,回收了1208家企业和11136名员工的有效问卷。CEES调查了丰富的企业与劳动力的指标,从而有可能更为全面地描绘中国制造业企业发展的真实图景:在劳动力成本不断上升背景下,企业盈利水平较低,2015年平均利润率为3.3%,利润率的中位数为2.4%,但企业间利润率差异较大,75分位的利润率是中位数的近3倍;中国制造业工人的平均实际工资2014—2015年增长率为5%-8%,而新员工的工资增长率为14.5%。虽然劳动力工资在增长,但其在总成本中的比重2013—2015年一直稳定在17%-18%之间,因而企业采取了积极的应对措施来对冲劳动力成本的上升:企业正在进行机器换人,有8%的企业使用了机器人,44%的企业使用了自动化设备,但在这一过程中也面临着投资和研发增长乏力的问题;企业注重改善管理,中国制造企业的平均管理得分为0.54,较美国制造业企业低16%;企业还在不断提升产品质量,一次检验不合格率从2014年的2.2%下降为2015年的1.6%,而新产品占销售额的比重则从2013年的7.7%,稳步提升至2015年的9%;企业也在不断地提升在全球价值链中的地位,2015年使用进口中间品的企业仅占13.3%,进口中间品的价值仅占全部投入品价值的3.7%。 In order to understand how Chinese manufacturing enterprises respond to the rapid increase in labor costs, the Quality Assurance Strategy Institute of Wuhan University, together with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Stanford University and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, conducted the Chinese Enterprise-Labor Matching Survey (CEES) in 2015-2016. The CEES survey uses a world-class, random sampling methodology and quality control measures that have validly collected valid questionnaires from 1,208 enterprises and 11,136 employees. CEES surveyed a wealth of indicators of business and labor, which may be more fully depict the real picture of the development of China’s manufacturing enterprises: In the context of rising labor costs, corporate profitability is low, the average profit margin in 2015 was 3.3% . The median profit margin was 2.4%. However, the profit margin among enterprises varied greatly. The profit margin of 75 points was nearly 3 times the median. The average real wages of Chinese manufacturing workers in 2014-2015 increased by 5% -8%, while the new employee’s wage growth rate of 14.5%. Although labor wages are rising, their share of total costs has remained stable at between 17% and 18% between 2013 and 2015, and as a result, companies have taken a proactive approach to heightening the rise in labor costs: companies are making machine substitutions , 8% used robots and 44% used automated equipment. However, in this process, they also face the problem of sluggish investment and R & D growth. Enterprises focus on improving management. The average management score of Chinese manufacturing enterprises is 0.54 , Which is 16% lower than that of the US manufacturing enterprises. Enterprises are also continuously improving the quality of their products. The annual failure rate of inspection dropped from 2.2% in 2014 to 1.6% in 2015, while the proportion of new products in sales increased from 2013 7.7% steadily to 9% in 2015. Enterprises are also continuously upgrading their position in the global value chain. Only 13.3% of the enterprises use imported intermediate products in 2015, while the value of imported intermediate products accounts for only the value of all inputs Of 3.7%.
利川是《龙船调》的故乡,《龙船调》是世界25首优秀民歌之一。当宋祖英在维也纳金色大厅唱响《龙船调》,当《龙船调》被列为“嫦娥一号”探 Icheon is the hometown of “Dr
【中图分类号】G430 【文献标识码】A   【文章编号】2095-3089(2019)17-0238-01  韦钰院士在东南大学的演讲中说:“教育必须发生革命性变革;互联网将成为提供全民教育的重要教育基础设施;大力推动对互联网社会中学习科学的研究和实践。”大数据时代背景下,恰当运用信息技术,联系初中学生实际,有机整合教材资源,不仅能丰富语文课堂教学内容,还有利于创设学习情境,启发学生思维,
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