《药品管理法》颁布施行后,我国药品监督管理工作进入了法制化、规范化、科学化的新阶段。在高等学校建立药政管理专业,药事管理学应列为高等药学教育的必修专业课程,已有论述。中等药学教育是整个药学教育的重要组成部分,也是培养基层药品监督管理人才的主要途径。药政管理教育目前还是中等药学教育的薄弱环节。因此,加强中专药政管理教育,尽快开设药政管理课,应引起有关部门的足够重视。 一、中专药政管理教育存在的问题及其原因 1.药政管理课未列入教学计划 列入中等药学专业教学计划的有20几门课程,而作为现代药学重要分支学科的药政管理
After the promulgation and implementation of the Drug Administration Law, China’s drug regulatory work has entered a new stage of legalization, standardization and scientization. The establishment of a pharmacy administration specialty in colleges and universities should be listed as a compulsory specialized course of higher pharmacy education, which has been discussed. Secondary pharmacy education is an important part of the entire pharmacy education and is also the primary way to train grass-roots drug supervisors and managers. Pharmacological management education is still the weak link in secondary pharmacy education. Therefore, to strengthen the secondary medicine pharmacy management education, as soon as possible to open the pharmacological management class, should cause the relevant departments to pay enough attention. First, secondary school pharmacy management education problems and their causes 1. Pharmacology management courses are not included in the teaching plan included in the secondary pharmacy teaching plan has 20 courses, and as an important branch of modern pharmacy administration of medicine