学科与学术领域的交叉处为创造性的理论构建提供了重要机会。本文中,我们提出了在学科交叉处构建理论的3种模式,并强调了这3种模式的优势与不足。我们运用“影响轮(impact wheel)”把3种模式相互联系起来,直观地描述了它们对理论、学术领域、学科、研究者和外部相关者等五大范围的影响。尽管3种模式对这些方面的影响不尽相同,但当在学科交叉处的理论建构可以修订现有学科和学术领域边界,并产生新的学科和学术领域时,其影响最大。这样的理论建构并不常见,并且需要研究者具有挖掘组织科学更多潜能的特定技巧。
Intersections between disciplines and academic fields provide an important opportunity for creative theory building. In this paper, we propose three models for building theories at the interdisciplinary level and highlight the strengths and weaknesses of these three models. We use the “impact wheel” to relate the three models to each other and visually describe their impact on the five dimensions of theory, the academic field, disciplines, researchers, and external stakeholders. Although the impact of these three models on these aspects varies, their impact is greatest when the theoretical constructs at the intersection of disciplines can revise existing disciplinary and academic boundaries and create new disciplines and academic fields. Such theoretical constructs are uncommon and require researchers to have specific skills to tap into the more potential of organizational science.