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6月19日上午9时,刚送完小学生的交运集团黄岛温馨校车红石崖班组的驾驶员隋玉青、解明祥和照管员逄梅、尹玉美四人接到公司的电话,连忙赶到了公司校车管理处,见到了已等候多时的张政富、赵宗花夫妇二人。看到隋玉青一行四人,赵宗花激动地握住他们的手,将一面红彤彤的锦旗交到他们手中,激动地连声说道:“恩人啊!可算见到你们了!”事出半月前的一天上午6:30,家住青岛开发区王台镇张家岛耳河村的五十多岁农妇赵宗花骑着电动车,满载着自家种的各类蔬菜约一二百斤,赶往山王西大集卖菜。行至昆仑山路中德生态园附近时,由于东西太重失去平衡,高速行驶的电动车不 At 9:00 on June 19, just sent a pupil of the delivery group Huangdao warm school bus driver Red Rock Cliff team Sui Yuqing, Xie Ming and caretaker Xie Mei, Yin Yumei four people received the company’s phone and quickly arrived Company school bus management office, saw a long time have been waiting Zhang Zhengfu, Zhao Zonghua couple. See Sui Yuqing his party of four people, Zhao Zonghua excitedly hold their hands, will be a bright red banner handed them in their hands, excitedly repeatedly said: “benefactor ah! Can be seen you!” One day at 6:30 the same day, Zhao Zonghua, a farmer woman who lives in the village of Zhanghe Island, Zhangtai Island, Wangtai Town, Qingdao Development Zone, is riding an electric car loaded with about 1,200 catties of vegetables of his own kind. Selling vegetables. Travel to Kunlun Mountains near the Sino-German eco-park, because things are too unbalanced, high-speed electric car is not