我和曹楚生老师结束50年代治理淮河时期的共事合作,近半个世纪了。但是,我们之间的联系和合作,并没有中断。2000年春节前,我和曹总为了“佛子岭、磨子潭混合式抽水蓄能电站的方案研究”,在合肥市的旭日宾馆,促膝长谈、抵足而眠。 曹总于1948年毕业于上海交通大学土木工程系结构专业,毕业后,执教于交大。在抗美援朝的火热战争时期,1950年淮河流域发生了特大洪水灾害,周总理主持成立治淮委员
I and Cao Chusheng teacher ended the cooperation of the Huaihe River during the 1950s, nearly half a century. However, the links and cooperation between us have not been interrupted. Before the Spring Festival of 2000, Cao and I worked together with Cao Zong for the program study of “Fuziling and Mozitan Hybrid Pumped-storage Power Stations”. Mr. Cao graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1948, majoring in civil engineering. After graduation, he taught at Jiaotong University. In the period of the war of amitment to the United States and aid Korea, there was a catastrophic flood disaster in the Huaihe River Basin in 1950, and Premier Zhou chaired the establishment of a member of the Huai River Control Commission