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   We had just moved into our large, new house in Mississauga, Ontario, in an area called "Winston Churchill." My parents, my four other sisters, my brother and I were unpacking our stuff in our new bedrooms. We had just finished and were talking to each other about leaving our old schools and friends behind. My mother called us to do chores, "starting now!" I was really tired since it was10:30pm in the night, and we had to do chores "now?" It seemed to take forever, but when I was done, I decided to go to my bedroom and get some sleep.
   I heard what sounded like footsteps in the upstairs hallway. Thinking it was my brother or sister, I got up to shout at them for bothering me while I was sleeping, but there was no one there. I rushed downstairs in the basement where my parents, sister and brother were considerately "working." I asked them all if they had been upstairs and they replied "NO!" Now I was getting pretty freaked out, but I decided it was just my imagination and shrugged it of, as if it never happened.
   I went back to my bed, which was now freezing cold. I took hold of a sweater, put it on, and went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night, around 12:30am, after everyone had gone to sleep. I heard this loud, banging sound that seemed to be coming from my parents' bedroom door. I thought it might be my brother or sister wanting to get a drink of water, but too scared to go alone. I was wrong.
   The banging continued, getting louder by the minute, I couldn't get to sleep so I decided to check it out. I walked into the hallway and believe me, there was no one there. As soon as I walked in, the banging seemed to stop. I stared at the door only for a quick moment before deciding to go back to bed. After a couple of minutes the banging started again. Now, I was totally chilled to my very last bone!
   I tried to sleep again but I couldn't, very typical for me. I was awake the whole night. In the morning, I rushed to my parents' bedroom and thrust the door open, noticing that the door was freezing! I laid down beside my mom, who also appeared as if she hadn't slept in a really long time.
   I told her about my experience, and she said that she could hear the banging too, since it was on her bedroom door! She explained to me how she was really scared and told my dad to see what it was, but he was very sleepy and shrugged it off as the wind being extremely loud.
   Years will pass, but I know that I will never forget that chilling Monday night in November, 2004.
  freak out: become very anxious, upset or frightened (使)非常焦虑,心烦意乱,(使)吓得要死 freak out 通常在电影、电视剧中的意思是“被吓得要死”而且常常以被动语态形式出现。
  check it out: check sth. out经常出现在口语中,可以表示不同的意思,check这个动词的基本解释是“检查、核对”,所以check sth. out 就可以表示“查验一下某事看起来是否属实或正确”等等;此外,当你看到什么有趣的事情想和别人分享时,也可以用这个表达,例如:
  I made a phone call to check out his address.
  I hear about a website that sounds interesting, I check it out.
  Hey, check out that car!
  thrust 强调“挤着进去”,冲破周围的层层压力进去的;plunge 一般是投入水等液体里用的;insert 一般是插入洞穴或小孔,不需要费多大劲。
   Winston Churchill温斯顿·丘吉尔:
  温斯顿·伦纳德·斯宾塞·丘吉尔爵士(Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill,1874年11月30日~1965年1月24日),政治家、演说家、作家以及记者,1953年诺贝尔和平奖得主,曾于1940-1945年及1951-1955年期间两度任英国首相,被认为是20世纪最重要的政治领袖之一,带领英国获得第二次世界大战的胜利。
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“忙碌了一天,好累!回到家就想倒头大睡!” 对了,咱们今天就是要谈“去睡觉”!当然,您大可大用滥用to go to bed来表达“睡”,但若想暗含就寝时的疲累意,教您一道“靓”招——to hit the hay。  单看to hit the hay(字面意:倒在稻草上),您肯定会想到居无定所的流浪汉。词源记载,该俚语源于美国社会20世纪30年代经济大萧条时期。那时候,大批的破产者无家可归,对他们来
最初认识他,是小学四年级的时候。那时21岁的他刚分配到我们学校,做我们的班主任。他皮肤白皙,脸上挂着浅浅的笑,穿一件白色的衬衫,在阳光的照耀下更显帅气。  我们这些小山村里的孩子,从没见过这么年轻帅气的老师,尤其是班里年纪最小的我,简直像是喝了迷魂汤,瞬间就迷恋上了这位男老师。  之前,我总仗着自己年纪小,经常耍赖皮不上学。可是自从刘老师来了以后,我就仿佛变了个人,时刻盼望着上学。那段日子,我内心