By using the methods of literature, logic analysis and mathematical statistics, this paper analyzes the competition results of the Chinese women gymnastics teams in the 42nd and 43th Gymnastics World Championships, and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the current Chinese women gymnastics teams. The results show that: the main competitor of the Chinese women’s team championship is the relative lack of the United States team, the Russian team and the women’s all-around athlete. Uneven bars and balance beam individual project advantages are no longer obvious, free exercise and vault project to become a breakthrough in the fatal shortcomings. In the 43th World Championship, the action points (E points) points very strict, the Chinese team in the uneven bars on the turn and the former inverted into the most points, should be taken seriously. In the “533 ” competition system, competition increased and unpredictability increased. Therefore, each project team members should minimize errors and increase the stability of the competition.