巴黎几家专门接待中国旅游团膳食的酒楼 ,这几年来可谓看尽浮生百态。巴黎十三区一家酒楼负责人形容这些中国团顾客是“人小架子大”,诸多苛求兼好摆架子。吃饭时的坐姿令人侧目 ,翘起二郎腿 ,身板后仰 ,怡然自得 ,大大妨碍了走道空间。跑堂的好声好气求他让开一点 ,即被他抢白
Several restaurants in Paris that specialize in catering to Chinese tour groups can be said to have lived through the past few years. A restaurant in Paris thirteen district head described these Chinese customers is “a big shelter”, many demanding and put on the shelf. Satisfactory sitting at dinner, cocked his legs, body back, contented, greatly hindered the aisle space. Waiter happily begged him to let go, that is, he was robbed of white