一提到丹麦,人们马上会想到安徒生。恐怕只有对西洋音乐有非常专门知识的人,才会知道丹麦有一位名字叫做卡尔·尼尔森的伟大音乐家。 卡尔·尼尔森是丹麦最伟大的音乐家。巧的是,尼尔森和安徒生有很多很相似的地方,他们都是菲茵岛奥登塞的人。安徒生14岁只身到丹麦首都哥本哈根去闯荡;尼尔森18岁的时候同样也是去哥本哈根寻求发展的。他们两人在哥本哈根都没有任何关系。安徒生在哥本哈根遇到了好心人,得到了受教育的机会,最终成为伟大的文豪;尼尔森遇到了慧眼伯乐,走进了哥本哈根音乐学院,最终成为了一位伟大的音乐家。 卡尔·尼尔森1865年6月9日生于丹麦菲因岛。兄弟姐妹12个,家庭虽然贫苦,但是还算比较稳定。他的父亲是一个油漆匠兼装修工,但却极为
When it comes to Denmark, people immediately think of Hans Christian Andersen. I am afraid that only people with very specialized knowledge of Western music will know that Denmark has a great musician named Carl Nelson. Carl Nelson is Denmark’s greatest musician. Coincidentally, Nelson and Andersen have many similarities, they are all people on the island of Odense on the island of Fuef. Andersen was only 14 years old to go to Copenhagen, Denmark to go to battles; Nelson was also the age of 18 to Copenhagen for development. Neither of them has any relationship in Copenhagen. Andersen encountered a good hearted man in Copenhagen, got the chance to be educated, and eventually became a great writer. Nelson met Huyou Bole, walked into the Copenhagen Conservatory, and eventually became a great musician. Carl Nelson was born on June 9, 1865 in the Finnish island of Fein. Twelve brothers and sisters, although the family is poor, but still relatively stable. His father is a painter and decorator, but extremely