爱弗雷·诺贝尔(Nobel,Alfred Bernhard)于1833年10月21日生在瑞典斯德哥尔摩一位工程师和建筑师的家庭中。1841年诺贝尔八岁那年在哲科布小学读书。同年秋天随母亲到了彼得堡,由于听不懂俄语而在家自学科学文化和俄语。1848年,诺贝尔十五岁时,就帮助他父亲制造鱼雷和炸药。1850年,他到美国去学习机械技术。诺贝尔在美国学习两年机械回到俄国以后,开始埋头搞起气量计设计。1859年,第一个气量计终于发明出来了,并且很快得到政府的承认,获得了专利证。可是由于他多年来帮助父亲搞鱼雷和炸药工作,
Nobel (Alfred Bernhard) was born on October 21, 1833 in an engineer and architect’s family in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1841, Nobel was 8 years old at Dzekob Primary School. In the autumn of the same year, she came to St. Petersburg with her mother. She learned science and culture and Russian at home because she could not understand Russian. In 1848, when Noble was 15 years old, he helped his father make torpedoes and explosives. In 1850, he went to the United States to study mechanical technology. After studying the United States in the United States for two years, Nobel mechanically returned to Russia and began to bury his head in gas meter design. In 1859, the first gas meter was finally invented, and soon it was recognized by the government and obtained a patent certificate. But because he helped his father work on torpedoes and explosives for years,