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在我国,邮递员有“绿色天使”的美称。不但邮递员一身绿色,连邮筒、邮车、邮局的门面都用绿色来做标志。但绿色标志并不是全世界统一的。各国都根据本国的风俗、习惯以及人们对于色彩的感情来规定自己的专用标志色彩。邮政以颜色来标志早在我国汉代就兴起了。汉代时,传递信函的驿卒大都头戴红色头巾,身穿红色衣服,背着红白两色相间的信袋。19世纪90年代,英国人葛显礼主持清政府的邮政,他在1897年规定:信差穿用蓝灰色布料制作的蓝色马褂,胸 In our country, the postman has the reputation of “green angel”. Not only the postman a green, and even postal, mail car, post office facade are marked with green. But the green logo is not uniform throughout the world. All countries stipulate their own special signs based on their customs, customs and people’s feelings about color. Post to color as early as the rise of our Han Dynasty. During the Han dynasty, most of the postmen who passed letters were wearing red headscarves, wearing red clothes and carrying red and white letter bags. In the 1890s, the British Ge Xianli presided over the Qing government’s postal service. In 1897, he stipulated that the messenger should wear a blue jacket and a chest made of blue-gray fabric
<正> 平战结合已是城市地下工程规划、设计和管理中的一个重要问题。结合得好坏,对工程的战时、平时和总效益影响很大。无论从总体或从局部看,平战结合的方案都可有多种。如
<正>汉诺威商用车展作为商用车界最为重要的展会,每一届的举办都吸引了商用车行业的关注。即将于今年9月举办的第66届IAA Commercial Vehicles(汉诺威商用车展)以&#39;新的移