每年秋收后,农村都有大量的玉米秸,我们用它作栽培鸡腿菇原料,试验结果表明,不仅发菌快,而且产量高.现将其技术介绍如下:1 配制培养料①配方:玉米秸粉70%,麸皮20%,稻草10%.另加尿素3%.钙镁磷肥2%.石灰5%.②制法:将稻草铡成6~7cm长的段,用5%石灰水浸泡24小时后捞出;玉米秸打碎.最好粉碎成颗粒状.将稻草与玉米秸混合拌匀.再把尿素、钙镁磷肥溶于水中,另加1‰克霉灵搅匀,加入稻草.玉米秸料中,使其含水量达60%~70%.pH值7.5~8.
After the autumn harvest each year, there is a large amount of corn stalks in the countryside, and we use it as a raw material for the cultivation of Coprinus comatus, the test results show that not only the fast germination, but also high yield. Now its technology is as follows: 1 formulated culture material ① formula: Powder 70%, bran 20%, straw 10% plus urea 3%, calcium magnesium phosphate 2%, lime 5% .② system of law: straw 铡 into 6 ~ 7cm long segment, soaked with 5% lime water 24 hours after the fish out; broken cornstarch. The best crushed into granules. Mix the straw and corn stalks and then urea, calcium magnesium phosphate dissolved in water, plus 1 ‰ 克 霉 灵 stir, add straw In corn stalks, its water content is up to 60% ~ 70%, pH value is 7.5 ~ 8.