这个例子出自一个全国性课堂教学大赛: 一位男老师,他所选教的一节课是《梅岭三章》。这位老师知道,陈毅同志创作于烽火连天的战争年代的这三首诗,虽然脍炙人口,但毕竟离学生的生活太遥远了。于是,他苦心设计了一段导入语,并声情并茂地朗诵了出来,然后,趁热打铁,
This example comes from a nationwide classroom teaching contest: A male teacher whose class he chose to teach was “Meiling III.” The teacher knows that these three poems created by Comrade Chen Yi in the fiercely war-torn days were very far away from the student’s life. As a result, he painstakingly designed a lead-in language and reciting it eloquently, and then he tried to beat iron.