近代章草大家王世镗 ,四十年不辍 ,千百度寻觅 ,更以十载恨墙面 ,三冬忘鱼筌的卓绝努力 ,临池集字 ,“金针钩摹”心血一著——《稿诀集字》,为后人揭示了创草、演草、学草的基本原则 ,不愧为汉字草书研究的不朽著作。但先生对于书法艺术的思考基础与同时期的康有为一样 ,难免受激进意识的影响 ,其追求的目标往往被原则的模糊运用所淡化。尽管如此 ,王世镗先生的成就仍无愧于右任先生所给予的赞美。
Modern chapter we Wang Shibing boring, stop there for forty years, thousands of Baidu to find, but also to ten hate the wall, three winter Forgetful efforts, Pro Chi set word, “gold needle hook copy” a handwritten - ", For future generations to reveal the basic principles of creating grass, act grass, learn grass, worthy of the immortal works of Chinese cursive study. However, his thinking on the art of calligraphy, like that of Kang Youwei at the same time, is inevitably influenced by his radical consciousness. His pursuit of goals is often diluted by the vague use of principles. Nevertheless, Mr. Wang Shibing’s achievements are still worthy of the praise given by Mr. Right.