The authors report the successful treatment of 1 patient with hypoxic encephalopathy with Amitriptyline. 43 years old, male, alcoholic and spit cocaine. A suction of cocaine with anterior myocardial infarction and cardiac arrest, long-term recovery treatment led to severe hypoxic encephalopathy, was unconscious for 8 days to the cortex. Neurological examination without focal signs, EEG consistent with hypoxic brain damage, no epilepsy wave. After the improvement of acute treatment in January, it was sent to the rehabilitation center for further diagnosis and treatment. During the rehabilitation, the patients were mentally disturbed, irritable and fearful. They often shouted “help” and attacked the medical staff for 3 months. Although daily Fluoropiperidine alcohol 6mg, no agitation to stimulate the anti-increase muscle rigidity. After a trial of amitriptyline with 25mg per night before going to bed, 2 weeks later increased to 75mg per night, significantly improved excitement, and health care