树立服务意识 强化职能作用——南通公安机关采取多种措施优化外商投资环境

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为深入贯彻市委、市政府促进外向型经济建设工作会议精神,全市各级公安机关,切实加强领导,结合涉外行风评议工作,精心组织广大民警认真学习文件,统一思想认识,牢固树立“人人都是投资环境”的观念,切实转变机关作风,提高办事效率,自觉主动地为招商引资提供优质、高效、便捷的服务,立足 In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the meeting of the municipal party committee and municipal government on promoting the work of an outward-oriented economy, the public security organs at all levels throughout the city should conscientiously strengthen their leadership and conscientiously organize the work of appraising foreign-related officials and earnestly organizing the vast numbers of civil servants to conscientiously study documents and unify their thinking so as to firmly establish “ People are the investment environment ”concept, effectively change the style of the organ, improve work efficiency, and consciously take the initiative to provide quality, efficient and convenient services for investment promotion, based on