“里根爷爷,里根奶奶,再见!“一群天真活泼的孩子站在上海郊区虹桥乡幼儿园门口挥着小手向坐在汽车里的里根夫妇告别.他们受的教育是见了老人要尊敬,但他们并不知道今天见到的是美国的总统和第一夫人. 这天是“五一”国际劳动节.里根总统一行在结束了对中国六天的紧张访问之后,即将赴上海西郊的虹桥机场,飞返美国. 里根总统一向被公认为是保守而反共的.现在居然笑容满面,谦恭有礼,这在许多人,包括一些随行采访的美国记者看来,几乎是难以令人置信的.美国里根总统访华
“Grandpa Reagan, Grandma Reagan, goodbye!” A group of naive and lively children stood in front of Hongqiao Township Kindergarten in Shanghai’s suburbs and waved their hands and said good-bye to the Reagan-dugs in their cars. I do not know what you are seeing today is the United States President and First Lady, the May Day International Labor Day. After reuniting the six-day tight-knit visit to China, President Reagan and his entourage are going to Hongqiao Airport in the western suburbs of Shanghai. Fly back to the United States President Reagan has long been widely regarded as conservative and anti-communist, and it is almost unbelievable that many people, including some interviewed U.S. correspondents, are smiling and humble nowadays. It is almost unbelievable that President Reagan Visit China