借助“信息高速公路”,与远在美国西雅图的Rosemary Adany教授合编的《当代美国短文赏读》系列丛书(计7册)的第1册(养生新说)和第2册(苦斗人生)已向出版社交盘,即将出版。这两本书共计萃选当代美国各种期刊的短文近60篇。第1册及时反映了当今美国人保健养生的最新观点和翔实资料;第2册系非虚构故事(non—fiction),记叙了数十位美国人所遭遇的形形色色的天灾人祸,以及
With the help of the “Information Highway”, Book 1 (New Theory of Health) and Book 2 (Book of Fighting) in the series “Book of Contemporary American Essays” (Series 7) compiled by Prof. Rosemary Adany from Seattle, USA ) has been published to the social media and will soon be published. The two books collectively selected nearly 60 essays from contemporary American journals. The first volume reflects the latest views and informative materials of the American health care system in a timely manner. The second volume is a non-fiction (non-fiction). It describes the various natural and man-made disasters encountered by dozens of Americans.