丰产林下种植利用,在国内外尚无系统研究。为探索郁闭林下的种植利用途径,进一步提高丰产林的经济效益,我们在丰产林下进行了平菇栽培试验,取得了较好的效果。现报告如下: 、试验地概况试验地设在湖滨苗圃院内杨树林和矿柱林场的刺槐林下。属于温暖带季风型气候,年平均气温13.3℃,年降水量750毫米,无霜期205天,年平均日照时数为2500小时。湖滨苗圃的杨树林7年生,株行距为4×4,树高14.5米,胸径17.4厘米,冠幅1.9米。郁闭度0.6~0.8;矿桂林场的刺槐林3年生,株行距4×4米,树高6.1米,胸径8.1厘米,冠幅1.8米,郁闭度0.5
Under high-yielding forest planting and utilization, there is no systematic research at home and abroad. In order to explore ways of plantation and utilization under canopy foliage and further improve the economic benefits of high yield forest, we carried out the cultivation of mushroom under high yield forest and achieved good results. The report is as follows: The experimental site is located in the lakeside nursery garden poplar forest and pillars under the locust forest. Belongs to warm with monsoon climate, the annual average temperature of 13.3 ℃, the annual rainfall of 750 mm, frost-free period of 205 days, the average annual sunshine hours of 2500 hours. Poplar lakeside nursery 7 years old, spacing of 4 × 4, tree height 14.5 meters, diameter 17.4 cm, crown 1.9 meters. Canopy density of 0.6 ~ 0.8; 3 years of locust tree forest mining Guilin, spacing of 4 × 4 meters, tree height of 6.1 meters, 8.1 cm in diameter, crown width 1.8 meters, canopy density 0.5